Jordan carries out two aid airdrops over south Gaza


Published: 2024-06-23 16:19

Last Updated: 2024-07-14 03:56

Jordan carries out two aid airdrops over south Gaza
Jordan carries out two aid airdrops over south Gaza

The Jordanian Armed Forces – Arab Army executed today two airdrops of humanitarian and food aid targeting several locations in southern Gaza.

The airdrops included relief and humanitarian assistance to support the people of Gaza in light of the ongoing “Israeli” war on the strip – the statement by the JAF said.

The airdrop operation involved one aircraft from the Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF) and another from the Arab Republic of Egypt.

The Jordanian Armed Forces affirmed their ongoing commitment to sending humanitarian and medical aid through an air bridge, delivering supplies via flights from Marka Airport to Al-Arish International Airport, as well as through airdrop operations in Gaza or land aid convoys, to help the people of Gaza overcome the difficult conditions – the JAF statement added.

Since the start of the “Israeli” aggression on Gaza, the Jordanian Armed Forces have conducted 108 airdrops and 262 airdrops in cooperation with partner countries.